
About Greece

If you have never been to Greece, you must rectify this heresy. Whether you are a history buff or not, Greece is home to marvelous monuments and UNESCO heritage sites. Take the time to see the beautiful Acropolis in Athens and its stunning museum, visit the archaeological site of Delphi or the open-air island museum of Delos, the stunning Byzantine monuments of Thessaloniki, the myth-laden Palace of Knossos or the breathtaking medieval Old Town of Rhodes.
With its extensive coastline, Greece has a plethora of beaches that seduce everyone. From sandy to pebbly beaches, isolated coves and quiet bays, you will always find somewhere you can soak up some vitamin D.

From Culture Trip

Why I Love This Spot!

  • It’s the ancientness of Greece that I love most. You can’t get over the awe of walking through the Parthenon (447 and 438 BC – think about that!) during the day, but it comes alive in the evening sitting atop Acropolis hill, like a precious goddess to be adored. Stunning! The Acropolis Museum is one of my favorites. For one thing the ground floor is glass so you can see the excavation below, it also has a minimalist feeling that I appreciate. The top floor is where you should start to get the full effect, and a mesmerizing view.

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